Sunday, June 10, 2012

Reality Therapy

Reality Therapy:

Reality Therapy is a short-term approach that is based on choice theory and focuses on the client assuming responsibility in the present.  Through the therapeutic process, the client is able to learn more effective ways of meeting her or his needs.


William Glasser
(1925 - Current)


Key Figure:

Robert Wubbolding

Key Concepts:
  • There are five basic needs (power, love, freedom, fun, and survival)
  • Help one face with reality
  • Taking and not running from personal responsibility
  • You are only responsible for you
  • Teach better alternatives of getting wants and needs met
  • Teach client that he doesn't have to be a victim to past events
  • Help client to understand the many options that are available for change

Key Techniques:
  • Dream facing
  • Future Planning
  • Experience new things  


  • Corey, G. (2009).  Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (eighth edition). Belmont, Ca: Thomas Higher Education.

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